Photos taken by Simon Fenwick at Goodwood Vintage-Fly-in 2008

Picture by John Turner



On 5th August 1956 the Wicko flown by the present owner, Joe Dible, with James Gilbert as co-pilot, flew from Denham to Lymne in company of Proctor II, G-AIEH, flown by Michael Dible and three passengers. The Proctor had radio so was leading a loose formation on the trip to Lymne, to clear customs, and then on to Le Touquet for an overnight stay. The pictures below were taken from the Proctor in it’s original ‘scalloped’ black and white scheme. clearly visible, which was latter changed to all white as on flights to warmer climes tended to heat the fuel tanks and cause serious evaporation from the wing tanks. The return trip was made on the following day when the weather had deteriorated somewhat and a direct flight to Croydon was diverted back to Lymne. As the weather improved the Wicko returned to Denham. This was the last flight made by the owner as the Wicko had been sold to the Southport Aero Club.



Permission to use photos is given by Ken Elliot. Steve Homewood, Geroge Baczkowski and John Turner.

If any pictures have been used without permission kindly let me know by emailing the webmaster and they will be taken off the site immediately.